Each edition delivers four links, one focused on each pillar of a successful website. Click here to subscribe for free. Together, let’s create better websites … one week at a time. Keep building.Idon’t believe in a “writing gene.” Writing comes more easily to some folks, for sure. But writing really well. Writing is a skill that requires plenty of practice. But practice is always more effective when you’re working on the right things. That’s when it’s time to seek out some good advice. This week, we asked Copyblogger’s editorial team to share some of their favorite writing books. There’s a mix here — some books are about the art of writing, some about craft, and some about strategy.
Any of them will help you put your words philippines photo editor together in more powerful ways. Here are the recommendations, in each writer’s own words: Brian Clark Fun Fact: I’ve never read a “normal” writing book, only copywriting and screenwriting books. So: Advertising Secrets of the Written Word, Joe Sugarman I have a lot of copywriting books and courses, and if I were starting out from square one today, I’d start here. Joe Sugarman is a direct marketing legend, and he does a great job of getting basic copywriting concepts across in an enjoyable way. So if you’re brand new to copywriting, this is where to go. Editor’s note: This edition of Sugarman’s book is out of print, but was reissued as The Adweek Copywriting Handbook.
When you’re ready to take it to the next level, this is what just about any highly successful copywriter will tell you is the Holy Grail of deep psychological insights that lead to breakthrough marketing campaigns. Stefanie Flaxman The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Violate Them at Your Own Risk!, Al Ries and Jack Trout It’s a quick read, but every time you pick it up as you progress on your marketing journey, something new clicks into place or it sparks new ideas for a project you’re working on. And I’m going rogue on my second submission My suggestion is to treat every book (or article) you read as a lesson. Why do you like the writing? Why do you dislike the writing? If you answer those questions and study the craft of other writers, you can improve your own writing.